This long and distinguished record of humanitarian service has earned the charity two Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Today, Wings of Hope works in 10 countries worldwide – using its wings to connect people to lifesaving health-care resources. Since then, the organization has grown from one plane delivering supplies to a drought-stricken region in northwest Kenya to operating a fully-fledged medical air transport service flying individuals to specialized medical care within 29 American states as well as completing 150+ humanitarian projects in 47 countries across the globe. The charity was founded over 55 years ago by four business leaders with a simple but all the more important mission: to change and save lives through the power of aviation. Louis-based aviation nonprofit, has flown over 200 patients, many of them children, to transformative medical care through its Medical Relief & Air Transport (MAT) Program in the US, for completely free of charge.

Just in the past year, Wings of Hope, a St. Flying can lift people up in every sense of the word.