Virtualbox guest additions kernel headers not found
Virtualbox guest additions kernel headers not found

Login into terminal and run the following commands to mount the Guest Additions ISO file, move into the directory where the guest additions ISO has been mounted, inside there you will find VirtualBosx guest addition installers for various platform, run the one for Linux, as follows. Install Guest Additions in CentOS Installing Guest Additions on CentOS Install Guest Additions via a Terminal This will in turn open a terminal which shows the installation details (follow the on-screen instructions). Mount Guest Additions ISO on CentOSĪ dialog window will open up, asking you to Run the installer, click on the Run to execute it.

virtualbox guest additions kernel headers not found

If you have a desktop environment installed, use this option, from the Virtual machine menu bar, go to Devices => click on Insert Guest Additions CD image to mount the Guest Additions ISO file in your guest OS. Now, you can mount the Guest Additions ISO and run the installer in two ways: Install Guest Additions via a GUI

virtualbox guest additions kernel headers not found

# export KERN_DIR=/usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)ĥ. Next, set the KERN_DIR environment variable to kernel source code directory ( /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)) and export it at the same time as shown. # dnf install make gcc kernel-headers kernel-devel perl dkms bzip2Ĥ.

virtualbox guest additions kernel headers not found

# yum install make gcc kernel-headers kernel-devel perl dkms bzip2 Once update process completes, install all kernel headers, developer tools and other related packages that are required for installing the guest additions from source as shown. Once the upgrade process is done, reboot your system to complete the upgrade process and start using the new kernel. Next, update each package on your guest system including the kernel to the latest version that is both available and resolvable, as shown. First start by enabling the EPEL repository on your CentOS/RHEL guest operating system to install some required packages needed for the installation process as shown.

Virtualbox guest additions kernel headers not found